Monday, March 8, 2021

Meraki, the moon and Self

Meraki:  to do something with soul, creativity or love.  to put something of your self into your work.  

Moon: natural satellite to the earth, that affects the oceans and tides.

the Self:  the internal psyche that defines who we are

Meraki is becoming more and more important to me as I break apart who I am and heal my past.  All my energy is being focused on this right now.  I realized recently that over my life figuring out who I am has been my meraki. All the therapy, spiritual work, writing, school work, work work, friendships, relationships, art, everything has been my meraki. Whatever I do, create, or how I act, there is a part of me in it.  I don't do anything lightly.  I love and create deeply and from my soul. I understand this might not be the right use of the word, but it explains me and how I feel. 

The Moon has always fascinated me, even when I was a kid.  I loved to stare at it, fascinated by how it changed over the month.  I remember when I was first taught how connected women cycles and the moon were, especially back before the invention of electricity.  I was in my teens and it really made an impression on me and my body.  Learning how much the monthly lunar cycle affected a women's reproductive cycle, helped me understand the monthly changes my body went through.  I feel a lot of things pretty intensely during this time.  Allowing myself to honor these feelings became important to me.  Our current society does not put enough merit into emotions; for both women and men.  We have ignored them, hiding them to protect ourselves from conflict. I do admit though I have allowed myself to hide this part of me when I am around others, especially when I am around men. I seem to give up what gives me strength when I get involved with someone on an intimate level. 

These are things that define me and mean a lot to my soul and who I am. 

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